Account Deletion Procedure

At PremysCar Transfers, we respect your privacy and data rights. This page outlines our procedure for deleting your account and associated data, in compliance with Google Play's User Data policy.

If you wish to delete your account, please follow these steps:

  • In-app Request: You can initiate account deletion directly within our app. Click on your name (top right) and then Settings. By unchecking the privacy policy consent tick, the app will warn you that your user is going to be deactivated and disconnected immediately.

  • Email Request: Alternatively, send an account deletion request to with the subject line “Account Deletion Request”.
  • Once we receive your request, we will send a confirmation email to your registered email address. This email will contain instructions to verify your identity and confirm the deletion request.
  • After confirmation, we will proceed with deleting your account and associated data. We will retain only the data necessary for legal, regulatory, or security purposes as outlined in our Privacy Policy.
  • Data Types: User profile, usage data, and other information linked to your account.
  • Retention Period: Data is retained as long as required for service provision or until an account deletion request is made.
  • Exclusions: Certain data may be retained if necessary for legal, security, or regulatory reasons.
  • Once your account is deleted, you will no longer be able to access our services using that account.
  • Data deletion is permanent and cannot be undone. Please ensure you have saved any necessary information before requesting account deletion.

If you have any questions about the account deletion process or require assistance, please contact our support team at

We may update this procedure from time to time. Please check this page regularly for the latest information on our account deletion process.